2009. március 31., kedd

társas jóság

A szociálpszichológia egyik alaptézise az, hogy a társas befolyásolás mindent áthat. Úgy kell ezt érteni, hogy az ember interakciói építik fel az énjét, mert azok szerepekké válnak, és felépítik a cselekvő ént (a szelfet). Az a döbbenetes számomra, hogy azt tapasztalom, hogy a fenti tézis igaz, és akkor működik a legjobban, ha az ember hatékony és a gazdaságos a saját társas érintkezéseit tekintve. A leghatékonyabb és leggazdaságosabb viselkedés valamiért a jóság.


Társadalmi szerepeinket egyezmények alapján játsszuk. Az egyezmény megfogalmazása a jog. Tehát minden, ami kívül esik a jogon (a dolgok túlnyomó többsége), társas vagy egyéni értelmezést nyer. Az egyezmény mögött a dolgok rendjéről alkotott igazolható tudás áll. A tudás tehát nem tehet egyénné (pl. meg nem értett művészlélekké), hanem mindinkább átlagossá, nem feltűnővé.

2009. március 25., szerda

Elfogta a rendőrség a barnakabátos bácsit?

Ki lehet ez a bácsi?

Ki ez a nő?


pár kommentet összegyűjtöttem:

I am a Psychiatrist. We want this lady on the video to see the nearest mental hospital. Regards!

This skanky nasty woman is obviously a scientologist that wants to spam the youtube search page to crowd out new videos that actually expose what her criminal cult is doing. Scientology has a long history of suppressing free speech. And if they cant suppress it, they try to drown it out with their insane blathering.

learn some english more retarded whoreand also you are one ugly scary bitch !!!

u have to create a myspace account u gonna be my favorite:u will be a myspace artist O_O

Aren't you a little too old to make such childish videos on youtube? and take it easy on the makeup ;)

Are you for real? I feel like I've stepped in a David Lynch movie here....

I like your videos. They seem to have a message. I don't know what message is, but they seem to have some kind of message.

You are disgusting human being how dare you mock Aleksy II and his death.

Listen up guys! I was talking to some russian's ...apparently she is some washed up Prostitute

How much crack would you say you smoke in a week?

That being said, I do agree with you when I can actually understand you

Refbatch, neplokho!!Your yoga stretch is pretty good, however you need to do it far more slowly -- take your time to breath (in and out) and listen to your body and you will become more graciously aware of your surroundings and people as well!! It will lead you to be more gracious and forgiving to everyone - we are all living creatures of the planet!do svidaniyaChavnah

Are you on medication or something? Please take your media\cation before accusing people of something that is NOT true!! I saw your daft Obama video-- this is ludicrous and darn STUUUUUUUPID!!! Only a couple of weeks ago Obama was in Israel visiting the holocaust Museum and he even prayed there with a beanie on his head ... people ought to get an education before making stuuuuuuuuupid videos!!

Dear miss refbatch; Please talk a little slower and clearer and carefully, and in a place that doesn't echo and have wind. We are trying to understand you , but your videos are uninteligable.

now go do some more meth

schizophrenia in a big way with paranoid tendencies. needs to be on meds. not freezing in the streets. same problem here in the USA cops end up being the treatment (or lack there of) of last resort.

do you do meth amphetamine? please respond to one of my posts


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