2010. június 29., kedd

Ó, a titkos tudás: Tao Te King 10. fejezet

11 fordítása angolul. Természetesen Weöres Sándor is lefordította.
Nekem Arthur Waley 1934-es fordításának negyedik can-je ütötte meg a szívemet annyira, hogy még most is fáj.

Can you keep the unquiet physical-soul from straying,
Hold fast to the Unity, and never quit it?
Can you, when concentrating your breath,
Make it soft like that of a little child?
Can you wipe and cleanse your vision of the Mystery till all is without blur?
Can you love the people and rule the land,
Yet remain unknown?
Can you in opening and shutting the heavenly gates play always the female part?
Can your mind penetrate every corner of the land,
But you yourself never interfere?
Rear them, then, feed them,
Rear them, but do not lay claim to them.
Control them, but never lean upon them;
Be chief among them, but do not manage them.
This is called the Mysterious Power.

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